Dienstag, 10. April 2012


So I after my surgery I started snowboarding again a few weeks ago.

I was kind of bummed because I couldn´t compete at the Wangl Tangl in Mayrhofen, which is a really cool competition with a great setup.
Anyways, I went to the sane!-Jibpark in Rinn and took part at the Sanesession there which was a lot of fun and I won some money there aswell hehe ;)

Sanesession - Frontboard

The week after this I went to Schladming for the Finals of the BigAir-Europe Cup aka "The Housemasters"
It was really funny there and i got 4th place in the end. The best part was that there was a Concert by German Rapper Sido afterwards haha ;)

"Big"Air Jump

The next day I went straight from Schladming to Kühtai to do a little Backcounty shooting there. I didn´t see any pictures from the actual photographer yet and I don´t know if I ever will haha...

Underflipping the step-up
 So and today I had another photoshoot on my homemountain in Innsbruck and it was awesome! The shapecrew built a huge corner-jump just for our shooting and everybody killed it! Can´t wait to see the pictures

Coolest setup I have ever seen up here ;)

Thats it for now, tomorrow I´m going to Laax for the pleasure spring session and then my season is pretty much done I guess